Saturday 24 August 2013

Chasing Pavements

As I look at him, I can see so much potential, so much life, so much joy, a diamond in the rough, but he can’t see that in himself, he continues to stumble back to the arms of the one who turned him, the one who destroyed his belief in love, the one who may very well end up being the death of him, why does he not comprehend this circumstance. Why does he not wake up from this nightmare that continues to plague his life, the nightmare that constantly robs him of his peace of mind?

I finally listened to the lyrics of the song he wanted me to listen to, it was Chasing Pavements by Adele, as the song played, my eyes were filled with tears, simply because I knew he already chose his path, but in my heart I knew he was chasing pavements.  So this leaves me with the same question, should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere in this friendship? Or should I just leave him to self-destruct?
Somehow I always find myself in these friendships, you know the kind where you put yourself on the line for a friend but end up being shredded to pieces in the end? And this is where reality hit me, the same way he kept going back to that person who is causing him pain, is the same way I keep drawing these type of friendship for myself.
So here is my stand, from this day forward I refuse to chase pavements, I refuse to open up my heart to the people that does not deserve it, I refuse to be taken advantage off and I refuse, I repeat I refuse to throw my pearls to swine, I know my worth. A friendship, whether casual or romantic should be a relationship where both parties are on common grounds, it should never be bartered or traded. So I refuse to chase pavements once again. I know I may sound selfish here, but think of it, when he keeps answering his past, where does that leave me? Exactly! Chasing pavements.

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Have a Beautiful Day. You are special and you matter :)