Saturday 24 August 2013

Have You Ever?

Have you ever felt the touch of loneliness like a knife cutting through your veins? Or the pain of heartache like spikes dragging on the inside of your heart? With each breath you take, it feels like you are drowning in the atmosphere, overwhelmed with the struggle of breaking free. Each tear drop reminding you of the pain, each memory like a gun to the head. When will it end, when will you break free of the chains of these emotions.

For those of us that have gone through major heartbreak, it felt as though the days would not end, the emptiness became so acquainted with our bodies that we became unconscious to the real world. Oblivious to the fact that the world continued turning, while we were stuck in the fantasy of our essence.

Heartbreak ‘the emotions felt after the end of a romance, or grief or disappointment”. This should be for a period in our lives, why do we drag it longer than it should be. There is life after a bad breakup, there is life after a loss, there is life after some bad circumstances, and it’s up to you if you want to live that life or remain in the gutters of your sorrows.

Sometimes loneliness and heartbreak come along to make us stronger, but some of us, instead of taking it as a lesson and moving on, we regress and dig ourselves into a pit of depression and pity. I know it’s easier said than done, and I know that everyone heals differently, but remember one thing, never let the pain of heartache blind you from the pursuit of happiness. You may not see it now, but trust me, everyone has their breakthrough, and it’s up to you to decide how bad do you want it?

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Have a Beautiful Day. You are special and you matter :)