Tuesday 16 October 2012

True Love, When Are You Coming?

Some people have been lucky to find true love in the right places and at the right times, some were even luckier to be with the person that they are in love with, but for those of us that are not so lucky, we are stuck to the bottom of the barrel, scraping our way through, till we find what we are looking for. Now hear me out, we all are searching for our own version of love, but what if we are looking in the wrong places. Why do we look at romantic movie or books for advice, and get disappointed when it does not turn right? Aren’t these things supposed to be a fantasy? Then why rely on them for help? Unless the book is the Bible, then that advice will not help.

Aren’t you sick and tired of answering questions about why are you still single and what went wrong? Sadly for some, these questions are from themselves. You smile the widest, but at nights, your tears tell the stories of your heartbreak best. The shadow of loneliness sneaks up and leaves you exposed to reality and you feel the emptiness of the whole world in the debts of your soul. It feels like happiness is missing you and hitting everyone else but still no matter how much you try to hold on it keeps slipping away from you.

Maybe true love is just a myth for some and a reality for others, but how would you know for sure when you don’t even know what you are looking for. You see your version of true love may be different from someone else but no one ever mentions this. No one ever takes the time to assess themselves and find out what is best for them, you have been so brainwashed by the follies of this world, that in the end you are more depressed or confused than when you first started. Love is complicated, but yet we all rush into it even though we don’t understand it, hence heartbreak. Maybe one day I would understand what true love really is, but for now, I am taking my time. Maybe it will hit me when I least expect it. Until then, I am enjoying life. :)


Have a Beautiful Day. You are special and you matter :)