Showing posts with label job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Thinking Out Loud

We go about our daily lives, not caring about anything or anyone. We place emphasis only on the things that directly affect us, taking no concern or consideration for those around us. It’s only when there is a crisis, we seek to get help, but it’s too late, you have already pushed people away with your lack of humanity, your disgusting behaviour, and your unforgivable attitude. Why do we have to reach to crisis point to realise our bad ways?
These past few months have taught me about humanity, I am one who always looked out for others, but it made me more aware of those around me. It made me realise who I can depend on in times of crisis and who was just a prop or show, who really cared or who was just to deceive. It just goes to show, sometimes it takes a crisis for us to get out of places we should have never been, be it physical, spiritual, mental or emotional.
We depended on the wrong things, the job that you thought could not do without you, guess what, you can’t do anything right now. The people that you thought you could not go one day without seeing, guess what, your day continued. Now you are faced with a dilemma because the family members you pushed away for the job; are the ones you have to go back to at this time. Priorities are beginning to come to the forefront. The thought of losing everything makes you re-evaluate your life choices, doesn’t it? 

So where do we go from here? The earth is healing, nature is alive and bustling once more, can we take an example from nature and being to heal ourselves as well? Your children you neglected, now is that time to mend that relationship, give them hope. The spouse you mistreated and took for granted, the parent/s you shouted “I HATE YOU” to, now is your chance to apologise before it’s too late. And the God you said you don’t need, now is that time to build that relationship with. I am fixing me, are you fixing you?